How Long Does Aspirin Last?

How long does aspirin last? Aspirin is a quick over the counter drug to help ease the aches and pains encountered in everyday life. The shelf life of aspirin depends mainly on the best-by date printed on the carton along with proper storage of the product.

So, how long does aspirin last? When properly stored, aspirin lasts past the best-by date for approximately...

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Aspirin Expiration Date

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Aspirin lasts for 2+ Years

Of course, aspirin lasts for a shorter period of time if it is not stored properly so be sure to read the proper storage paragraph. We have listed a "+" next to the number of years because this product will last for many years beyond a best-buy date, but the potency of the active ingredient will begin decreasing below generally accepted levels as more and more years pass. [1].

How to tell if Aspirin is bad, rotten or spoiled?

Practicing proper hygiene and food safety techniques will help prevent foodborne illness.

Common traits of bad aspirin tablets will have a chalky texture instead of a hard and smooth consistency. Expired tablets will therefore easily crumble into a powder when pressed. Newer aspirin tablets will be white in color and as they go bad will usually turn yellow. Gel tablets will become stretchy and sticky. Coated tablets will harder to distinguish any characteristics of aging.

It is usually either moisture or heat that spoils aspirin tablets. But, age alone can also spoil any type of medication as the chemicals can change with time. Aspirin too far beyond their best by date may fail to do the job to which they were intended and only provide false hope for that headache.

If there is a vinegar smell, the aspirin has gone bad and should be tossed.
The active ingredient in aspirin is produced from a chemical reaction of acids and if heated or extremely aged, a reverse chemical reaction occurs that separates them once again. The one acid is also the active ingredient in vinegar, which is why spoiled aspirin will smell like vinegar, and the other acid is known to irritate stomachs, which would occur if swallowed.

Although it takes years for aspirin to actually go bad, the potency of the active ingredient contained within does decrease with time. This is a very slow process that takes many years. So, an older aspirin that has not actually gone bad would still help a headache. However, do NOT take an increased amount of aspirin if you think that they are older as an overdose of any medication could actually harm you.

For liquid aspirin, we recommend adhering more closely to the expiration date and tossing the bottle. This is because liquids are far more likely to breed bacteria than tablets.

There are, of course, certain health risks associated with spoiled foods so always remember to practice food safety and enjoy your foods before their shelf life has expired!

How to store Aspirin to extend its shelf life?

Aspirin, like any food or drink, must be stored and handled properly to extend its shelf life.
Store aspirin in a cool dry place where the temperature is as constant as possible.
Make sure the lid to the container is properly re-sealed in order to keep it airtight. It is a good idea to keep the cotton ball inside the aspirin container, not only to absorb any possible moisture from humidity, but also to prevent breakage of the tablets and to eliminate excess air inside the container. It's best to keep fingers out of the aspirin bottle, but if you must reach in then be sure to wash your hands first.

Some benefits of proper food storage include eating healthier, cutting food costs and helping the environment by avoiding waste.

How to use extra before your Aspirin goes bad?

How should you dispose of expired aspirin? Try to find a take-back program in your community either sponsored by the city or federal government. If none is available, then mix the aspirin with an undesirable substance (kitty litter, coffee grounds, dirt) and place it in a baggie before putting it in the trash. Flushing is not recommended.

How long is Aspirin good for when prepared in a dish?

How long does aspirin last ? That depends. How long does water last? Remembering that products expire according to the quickest expiring ingredient, if aspirin is crushed into applesauce or added to a drink, it should be consumed quickly and not kept around for later use.

What are our shelf life resources?

In determining how long Aspirin lasts, our content incorporates research from multiple resources, including the United States Department of Agriculture and the United States Food & Drug Administration. In addition, we scoured the web for informative articles and reports related to food safety, food storage and the shelf life of Aspirin.

*An important note about expiration dates...

Although the Aspirin shelf life information on Eat By Date is generally reliable, please remember that individual cases will vary and that our advice should only be taken as an opinion and not a replacement for your health care professional. Please eat responsibly!

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