Monthly Archives: December 2018


Sparkling Wine vs Champagne

What’s the difference between Sparkling Wine and Champagne?
What’s the difference between Prosecco and Champagne?

The first thing that you probably noticed when comparing Sparkling Wine or Prosecco to Champagne, and what probably brought you to this page, is the price.
The same size bottle of Prosecco is cheaper than the […]

By | December 30th, 2018|Blog|

How to Prevent a Burnt Pie Crust

Tired of making pies with either an extremely brown or even blackened edge? It is a common occurrence that can turn an otherwise beautiful dessert into something that you might even be ashamed to serve, possibly even making the crust inedible. Below is a simple little trick that will save what is to […]

By | December 20th, 2018|Blog|

Olive Oil vs Extra Virgin

What’s the difference between Olive Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

The USDA actually regulates the labeling of all U.S. made olive oils. American manufacturers of oil from olives must include 22 tests that assess the quality of the oil based on such things as flavor, color and molecular structure. [1]

By | December 12th, 2018|Blog|

Top Baking Mistakes Corrected

Let’s face it, lots of things can go wrong when baking. It is after all a science.

Raise the odds of a baked goods recipe coming out correctly by avoiding this list of common baking pitfalls. These suggestions will prove advantageous whether making a delicate soufflรฉ, an airy cake or even some crispy […]

By | December 7th, 2018|Blog|