Monthly Archives: September 2019


Freezer Maintenance

Freezers these days are very low maintenance. Nevertheless, they should be checked a few times a year (think fall cleaning for now since we just celebrated the fall equinox and then again in the spring). Twice a year checks are recommended by most freezer manufacturers. Here’s what to look for in order to […]

By | September 28th, 2019|Blog|

Cream Sauce Solutions

There few foods as smooth and luxurious as a properly made cream sauce. Unless, of course, it breaks and separates. If that happens, luxurious is about the last way it could possibly be described. How does a cream sauce “break” and why does this happen?

Let’s find those answers and also look at […]

By | September 22nd, 2019|Blog|

How to Freeze Corn

Corn can be plentiful at the end of summer, more so in some states than others of course. To keep that fresh taste well into winter, a great option is to freeze corn.

Instructions to freeze corn, captured at its height of sweetness to be enjoyed throughout the winter […]

By | September 17th, 2019|Blog|

How to Determine the Shelf Life of Homemade Salad Dressing

Homemade salad dressing makes most greens taste more vibrant and delicious as the ingredients are generally fresh and hand picked, or at least chosen, to your individual taste. They don’t take long to whip up, but also generally do not last as long as most bottled salad dressing.

So, how do you […]

By | September 11th, 2019|Blog|

Make Fluffy Pancakes

Pancakes can be flat and dense or light and fluffy. Well, really, they can be whatever they want to be or whatever you want them to be. This article is to help make them light and fluffy, as that is the most popular desirable version of a pancake.

By | September 5th, 2019|Blog|