Monthly Archives: July 2019


Saving Summer Peaches

One of the many great things about summer is the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating these items at their peak of freshness can’t compare to eating them at any other time or in any other way. But, besides having the best flavor, we have determined (see the additional info section at […]

By | July 30th, 2019|Blog|

How to Organize a Freezer

Often a tight space, a freezer can keep foods around for very long times. Follow these tips and organize it efficiently in order to get the longest shelf life possible from all frozen items. Summer is a great time to organize a freezer, it will keep you cool while working and make space […]

By | July 25th, 2019|Blog, Uncategorized|

Why are Eggs Stored Pointy End Down?

Question: ?
Why are Eggs Stored Pointy End Down?

Eggs are stored with the pointed end pointing down into the carton for safety reasons.

Egg shells are porous. Although rare, it is possible for bacteria to seep through the shell of an egg and into […]

By | July 20th, 2019|Blog, FAQ|

Can Olive Oil Go Bad?

Can olive oil go bad?


Yes, olive oil can go bad.
Usually we speak of it as rancid because that best describes the taste when olive oil has gone bad. We’ve talked about olive oil before, but now let’s look at the reason that some oils expire or go bad before […]

By | July 14th, 2019|Blog, FAQ|

Retaining Nutrients in Vegetables

We’ve always been told to eat our vegetables.
The USFDA goes so far as to recommend filling half of our plates with fruits and vegetables in order to achieve the best nutrition on a daily basis. But… it’s important to know that how you choose and prepare your vegetables is almost as […]

By | July 7th, 2019|Blog, Uncategorized|