Monthly Archives: July 2020


Can you Bake Potatoes on the Grill?

Can you Bake Potatoes on the Grill?

Yes, for sure!

Why heat the oven (and therefore the kitchen) during the summer when you can do everything outdoors? Potatoes can easily be baked on the grill. They don’t take up that much space as they can even be placed around the edges […]

By | July 23rd, 2020|Blog, FAQ|

How to Open a Coconut

Round and extremely hard. That describes a coconut, which make many people ask – how do you open a coconut? It’s actually not that difficult if done methodically.

Following is how to crack open a coconut without wasting any of its natural goodness, which is always an important factor.

By | July 7th, 2020|Blog|