Can You Freeze Salad Dressing?

Can you freeze salad dressing?

Although possible, it is not recommended to freeze salad dressings.
Salad dressings are endless combinations of some interesting ingredients. Dressing choices can take up an isle long shelf in multiple sections of a store. Even the basic italian and french dressings are now made with varying […]

By | September 30th, 2017|Blog, FAQ|

How Long Does Make-Up Last?

How long does make-up last? Don't eat it... but still know how long it lasts and when you are better off tossing any remaining.

By | September 26th, 2017|Blog, FAQ|

Can You Freeze Soda?

Can you freeze soda? Find the answer to this frequently asked question along with information on why the answer is such.

By | September 17th, 2017|Blog, FAQ|

What is Baby Corn?

What is baby corn? These miniature corn cobs are, unlike many other baby vegetables, actually baby corn!

By | August 28th, 2017|Blog, FAQ|

Can You Freeze Tomatoes?

Can you freeze tomatoes?

Contrary to popular belief, you can freeze tomatoes from any original state… as long as the resulting thawed tomatoes are only used in a recipe that calls for cooked tomatoes.

Once tomatoes are frozen, their texture will be forever altered.
Tomatoes that have been frozen […]

By | August 24th, 2017|Blog, FAQ|

What is the Ideal Fridge Temperature?

What's the ideal fridge temperature? What's the ideal freezer temp? Find out the proper temperatures to maintain, why it's important and how to check.

By | August 18th, 2017|Blog, FAQ|

What are Baby Artichokes?

What are baby artichokes?

Baby artichokes aren’t actually babies, they are adults! Smaller artichokes, known as “baby artichokes”, are simply small for their age. The reasons for their stunted growth and the advantages of choosing a baby artichoke follow.

Shown below is one globe artichoke in the background with baby artichokes […]

By | July 25th, 2017|Blog, FAQ|

How to Keep Cut Potatoes from Turning Brown

Can you keep cut potatoes from turning brown? Yes, if prepared properly potatoes can be peeled, cut and then kept from turning brown.

By | June 4th, 2017|Blog, FAQ|

What is Turbinado Sugar?

What is Turbinado Sugar? Find out all about this special type of sugar.

By | May 4th, 2017|Blog, FAQ|

How Long is Overnight?

When speaking of cooking and/or baking, how long is overnight?
When a recipes says “marinate overnight”, “chill overnight” or “let rise overnight”; how long do they actually mean?

No need to eat your roast for breakfast… The term “marinate overnight”, when used in cooking terms, gives you freedom to leave your meat marinate […]

By | February 28th, 2017|Blog, FAQ|

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